Faculty Course Evaluations (FCEs)
Information for Faculty & Departments
Faculty Course Evaluations (FCEs) are used to improve the quality of teaching and learning at Carnegie Mellon through feedback to both individual faculty members and promotion committees.
Responses to the FCE provide information on students' perceptions of their engagement, learning outcomes, the instructor's behavior and course activities. This feedback will help guide changes in future iterations of the course and/or the instructor's teaching.
Responses also serve as one measure of the quality of faculty member's teaching that is used to evaluate faculty for promotion and tenure.
Spring 2020 FCE Data
The FCE results for spring 2020 semester-length and mini-4 courses displayed on this webpage for one year before being deleted on June 1, 2021, after which time, the results became inaccessible. Faculty who wished to retain their FCE results for this evaluation period were asked to download and save copies for their records.
Older Electronic FCE Data
FCE data from Fall 2004 to Summer 2007 has been migrated into our current hosted FCE application. However, the migrated FCE data will NOT have the rich, detailed results and will NOT have the multi-functionality like the retiring website. The converted data will only include mean scores and comments excluding percentages and/or demographic data. Please email your request to uro-fce@andrew.iin3d.com.
Paper FCE Data
Paper FCE data from Spring 1988 to Summer 2004 are no longer available for viewing. Please email your request to uro-fce@andrew.iin3d.com.