Carnegie Mellon University

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse

Every member of the Carnegie Mellon University community has an ethical and legal obligation to immediately report instances or suspected instances of child abuse or any other inappropriate interactions with minors who are under the university’s care, supervision, guidance or training.

Under the PA Child Protective Services Law, as amended by Act 153 of 2014, all university employees are Mandatory Reporters of child abuse.

In addition, individuals serving as volunteers for Carnegie Mellon who are responsible for the welfare of a minor or who have direct contact with minors are also Mandatory Reporters of child abuse.

For more information about how and when to file a report, and frequently asked questions, please visit the website of the Office of the General Counsel

View the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse booklet [pdf] to learn about your roles and responsibilities as a mandatory reporter.

CMU Ethics Reporting Hotline

844-587-0793 or

The hotline is NOT an emergency service. For emergencies, call University Police at 412-268-2323 or 911.

While the hotline may be used to report suspected child abuse, reports filed through the hotline do not discharge an employee's mandatory reporting obligations.